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Verbal Addiction is on hiatus.  Check back soon for upcoming projects.  But please do come back because there are things currently on work.
Some breaking news here folks.  For all of you James fans out there you better make sure that you come out to see us on Sunday because this will be James' last show with us.  You see, he has found God and is leaving to find himself in a spiritual journey.  SO COME ON DOWN BECAUSE IT'S GONNA ROCK AND MAYBE WELL GET JAMES TO BREAK SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to anyone who went to go see us at the Angry Penguin BBQ but we had to cancel last minute.  We will definately be playing the 27th at the Oasis and you should all come because it's Kiss At Gun Point's last show ever.  Dun dun dun.  So if you don't come you will never see them again.  Plus Gibbler will be playing along with a whole bunch of other awsome bands.  All the info is in the shows section.  And yes the rumors are true, we are in the process of recording.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our shows this weekend, you guys all rock.  And thanks to O'Reilly for playing yesterdays show with us.  I'll see you guys next weekend at the acoustic show.  Oh yeah, and the shows page has been updated.
Thanks to everyone who came out and saw us this past Sunday, you guys are all awsome and you should check out the band One Candle Power cause they were awsome.  We really need to sell tickets for our next show at Empress Ballroom on July 11th so email us if you want one and we'll work out a way to get them to you.  They're only $10 and we're playing with Left Behind and Dead Letter Dept. so it's worth it if you ask me.  Also, the shows page has been updated.  I hope to you all the 11th.
Well the new site is finally here as you can obviously see and we have some new things to tell you about.  First off, if you check out the Shows section you will see that we have a bunch of shows that we'll be playing this summer.  On top of that we have began recording with Tom Simmons from Kiss At Gun Point.  It is unknown at this time how many songs we will record but what we do know is that they will sound awsome so keep your eyes peeled and check out our upcoming shows. Enjoy the new site.
Update: 05/20/03
Well, we'd like to thank everyone who came out to the show this Sunday and the guys from Angry Penguin for hooking us up again and the lovely Randy and Annie from The Vibration for taking care of the merch table for us.  On the correct version of Contemporary Rock Song is up with out all the wierd vocal effects in the chorus.  We finally have some pins so if you want one you have to come to our June 1st show or contact us, they're only 50 cents each so you can't beat that or check out are new merch page to order stuff.  Well see you guys at the next show. Peace.

Update: 05/13/03
If you look up in the menu bar you'll see a new section called Video.  There you can download videos of us.  Exciting isn't it?  We'll probably have things come and go there so check it out.  Right now there is a clip of us when we played at the Red Zone. Well, don't forget to come to the show this Sunday and tell all your friends while your at it, and if you've made it that far do a little dance and pat yourself on the head, and if you've made it that far you're just a dancing fool.  Well I'm out.  Take it easy.

Update: 05/10/03
Two updates in a row!!!  It's crazy I know but when can I say.  Well we saw an awsome band play last night called Near Miss, should check them out.  On top of that we finally have a show coming up next Sunday the 18th at the Oasis again.  It's hosted again by the guys from The Angry Penguin and we'll be playing with Count the Stars (Victory), Kiss At Gun PointIn A Breath, Figure IOD, and Once Over.  All the info you need to know is in the tour section so check it out.

Update: 05/09/03
Ladies and gentlemen, do not adjust your monitor, this is an actual update.  Yeah sorry, it's been a while I know.  We may have been keeping under the radar lately but we've been doing a lot.  New songs are coming along, new recordings, and we will soon have a list of shows up so keep an eye out.  In the mean time I have a little treat to keep your addictions going.  It's the lyrics to Contemporary Rock Song and you can view them by clicking here or going to the song section.  And if you're wondering about the new site design it is still on the way.  It was just delayed by school and all that crap, you know how it is.  Well until the next update take it easy. PEACE!!
Update: 04/14/03 New Song on
Yo what's up bitches.  I hope my grandma doesn't read this because I just said bitches, bitches.  Um, there's a new song up on called Contemporary Rock Song so check it out. Also, we finally upgraded our website to so click that and relink to your favorites.  Well i'm out so, peace.
-Sean (and James for saying upgraded)

Update: 04/11/03
Thanks to everyone who came to see us at the show.  It was awsome and I had a great time.  Keep your eyes peeled for a new look to the site because our cheap asses finally decided to pay the fee and upgrade to  Well I better get back to working on that new design so see you all soon.
Update: 03/27/03
Verbal Addiction has been laying low for the past month but we've written some new kick ass songs (they're my favorite to play) that will definately be busted out at the show on April 4th.  As for the people of Verbal Addiction, Kevin still has no car, James' brand new body kit is already cracked, Paul can still eat Double Doozies at a ridiculously fast rate, and I had some good times over the weekend.  Come April 4th.

Update: 03/11/03
Hey there, it's been a while.  What up everyone.  Well in past news the show at the Empress Ballroom went well.  I'd like to send a shout out for all our friends that came out and saw us and to Food who rocked the house down in the opening act.  In future news we have another show coming up on April 4th that was put together by the guys from Angry Penguin and we'll be playing with Little Yellow Box, Figure IOD, Morgan Storm, and Fire When Ready.  There's more info in the Tour page so check it out and come to our show or your friends will stop likeing you.  Oh yeah, and keep an eye out for a demo recording of Contemporary Rock Song.

Update: 2/28/03
For anyone going to the show tomorrow, we go on at 8 so don't be late.  Hey that rymed and sounded real cheesy at the same time.

Update: 02/22/03 Video Up For Download
No longer am I a liar filled with fake promises.  I have stuck to my word and there is a video up.  Look to the right of thid because it's right there-->.Or if it's not for some crazy reason you can click here to be brought to the download page.  You'll need the Real Player to watch the movie.  If you don't have it you can download it here, don't worry it's free.  This video will probably suck up all of our bandwith so if the site goes down you know why.  Don't forget about the show on March 1st.  I klnow there are like 1 million shows also going down that day but I hope you come to ours. Well enjoy the video and remember that Verbal Addiction is swell.

Update: 02/19/03
Well the Red Zone show was probably the best we've ever sounded and there was about nine people there.  Thanks to everyone who came out to support us.  We made some new friends, you should check em out, O'Reilly.  You can click their name to check out their website.  For anyone who missed the Red Zone show you can check us out on March 1st at the Empress Ballroom in Danbury, CT.  Also, I will be putting up a video clip of our performance from the Red Zone show so keep your eyes peeled.

Update: 02/15/03 Show Tonight
Hope to see you all at the show tonight.  Oh yeah, keep an eye out for some videos soon.

Update: 02/09/03 Minor Change for the 15th Show
Somethings have changed for the show on February 15th.  Instead of playing at Finally Fred's in the West Village we will be playing at the Red Zone in Middle Village, Queens.  Check out the Tour page for all the new info.  In other news, there is this kickass band I saw last night called The Vibration.  Definately check them out, there website is up in the Links section.

Update: 02/08/03 Finally We Have Some Shows
Well it's been about two weeks since our last show and now we have some more.  Our closest show is this upcoming Saturday in the city.  For all of the info check out the Tour page or click here.

Update: 02/04/03
The lyrics for Your Shadow are now up.  Click here to read them.  Click here to download the song to sing along.
Update: 01/31/03
Update: 01/30/03 New Song On
Our new song Your Shadow is now up on so if you had trouble downloading it off of our server it should work like a charm off of

Update: 01/29/03
So yeah, there is a new site design becuase I got bored of the old one.  This current new look isn't official yet however, because we will be experimenting with a couple of different looks for the next few days.

Update: 01/25/03
There are new pictures up of the show we played at the Teen Outback in the Pictures section, along with new bio pics of each band member up in the Band Info section.

Update:01/20/03 New Song Up for Download
Well it took all day but a new song is finally up ready to be listened to.  It's called Your Shadow and it's up in the song section right now.  For now we will be hosting the song on our own personal servers until the song gets approved on, which will probably take about a week, give or take.  Well, enjoy the new song and tell us what you think about it on the message board.  Keep your eyes peeled for more new songs coming soon.
Update: 01/19/02
Well it happened.  We had our bad luck show where everything that could possibly go wrong happend.  Oh well, at least we got that out of the way now.  Other than that the show today was fun.  Thanks again to The Hopewell (or whatever new name they've currently decided on) for letting us use their equipment again and a shoutout to Ash Return who played an amazing show.  Oh yeah, one more thing, there is a new slighty different version of Verbal Addiction up now in the songs section.  This whole time the version without the backup vocals was up but that has now been corrected.  Keep an eye out for new songs coming soon.

Update: 01/01/03
Well the new year is here and I don't have much to say in terms of the band but I thought I'd update since it's been a while.  Things have been a little slow this past week with the holidays and what not but we've managed to work on a handful of new songs and we'll hopefully have some new recordings soon.  Don't forget to come to the show on the 19th.  It's gonna be huge and we've somehow managed to get a decent spot on the show.  All the info is in the Tour section.  On another note, if you guys want to see the daily quote from Paul continue on the message board, you better get over there and let him know because it looks like he's having second thoughts on whether or not he should continue doing it.  Well I guess I had more to say than I realized but that's it for now and Happy New Year!! 
P.S. Don't we all just look so handsom in that picture.-->
Update: 12/16/02
Tour page is updated with new shows.

Update: 12/15/02
I'd like to thank everyone who came out to the show Friday and gave us their support.  I gotta say it was freegin' awsome.  Also, thanks to The Hopewell (who played their best show to date) for letting us use their stacks.  I don't know what we'd do without 'em.  Since school is ending thursday, and we have a month off, we're hoping to get a good amount of recordings done, so keep an eye out. Check out the pictures section for some new pictures too.

Update: 12/11/02
Just thought I'd remind everyone about the show this upcoming Friday on the 13th.  Also, Friendly Fire is now on the roster so you have no reason to miss the show.  Check the Tour page for more info.  In other news, the Tour section has been updated with new shows and I added a Contact section to the website so you get get in touch with anyone from the band.

Update: 12/05/02
Pics from the Bingamton show are finally up in the Pictures section. Check it out.

Update: 12/04/02
Hey everyone.  If you want to finally hear what we sound like we finally have two respectable recordings in the Song section.  If you only have time to download one, I suggest trying Someday, Somehow.

The Bingamton show went well other than some technical problems with the drums.  If you missed that show you can catch us on December 13th at: 
Doc 73
199 Albany Post Road
Bucanan, NY
and yeah it's on a Friday  the 13th, so don't stay at home because your too scared to leave your house or some crap.  Friendly Fire, The Hopewell, Forever Sleep Syndrome, Ash Return, and Across April will also be playing that night, so if you hate our music at least come and check them out. It will be $6 at the door, doors open at 6:30,  come and go as you please, and loose yourself to the music.

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