Someday, Somehow
Verbal Addiction
Words by Kevin Dart
Someday, somehow
When we're waiting
In line for bread and butter,
We'll be sick of fake gods selling
All of our freedoms to top bidders, stealing
We've seen the past come back
And slap us in the face
It's a preperation
for our new nation
Use our voices to put our masters in their places
Motivation, concentrate
I don't see what the problem is
Or why we're waiting
It's our world,
it's our time
Someday, today
Someday, somehow
When we're waging war on countries to
Fill our pockets
full of oiled money
And soiled reasons. Change the seasons?
Not on my time!
We've seen the past come back
And slap us in the face
I'm a preparator
for my new nation
Use my voice to put the bastards in their place
Motivation, concentrate
I don't see what the problem is
Or why we're waiting
It's our world,
it's our time
Someday, somehow
Today right now
Today is not too late!